On social media

On a changing world

All right, this blog started out back in July 2008 with the Viking Law and the ambition to comment on relevant world issues as I saw them from Norway. The lucky country up North. They say Norwegians are born lucky, and the last decade has proven that to be true.

10 years has passed. In ten years, this gentleman has gotten two kids and a wife and had very little time to blog, and even less time to analyze world events and the blog has been lagging behind with a couple of lazy annoyments over HBR’s subscription system. First world problem.

Back in 2008 we talked about Lehnman Brothers and Fannie May, LHC in Cern and Guantanamo bay and Twitter was just two years old. Barack Obama was about to be inagurated in 2009.

Recently we talk about plastic pollution, electric cars, Donald Trump. AirBnB and Uber has brought the sharing economy to the next level and robots are coming. 

What has impressed me most the last year is Boston Dynamics and their progress with Atlas.

I believe human interactions will prevail over robots. Let’s keep chatting and drinking coffee.

Coffee is on the rise in Norway and a new PhD has collected research it is not provoking cancer. Great. Through the last ten years I have had periods with ten cups of coffee per day and periods with zero. I lasted for about half a year before getting back. Intersting experiment.


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