On collaboration, On social media

Twitterfeed alternatives – I went for Proxifeed for now

Long time no blogs. I have been busy becomming a dad 🙂 A friend just asked me, three month after my sons birth, whether I was a dad yet. I guess so if that means being constantly in mixed mood, really wanting to spend time with my son and fiancé, being busy having guests or visiting grand parents, trying to do some workout now and then, having a hard time concentrating at work – all the time while smiling and thinking that you are happy after all.

To the topic.

I have been trying to get Twitterfeed to post my blog entries to Twitter for me but with too much variable luck to my taste (more people complain about Twitterfeed instability issues here, here and here). I therefore decided to replace the service and researched for alternatives.

I tried WP to Twitter but as it is not possible to add Plugins on wordpress.com I settled on Proxifeed. It is only in beta still, but looks very promising if they deliver what is said on the site. At least it delivered my last post from this blog to my twitter account immediately. Unfortunately is was old and I had to delete the tweet (ugh..) but hopefully this post will be posted automatic, as the first since the election.

The neat thing about proxifeed is that it automatically scans all other RSS-feeds (How do they know that..?) to find the most recent content / ads suitable for your account and posts it.

From proxifeed.com showing the concept

The not so neat thing is that it is only allowed to have one twitter-account per feed profile, but the feed profile may feed from multiple RSS-feeds with a common set of keywords. I added both my blogs as sources to the same profile with both norwegian and english keywords. I think it should work as far as I disable ads. I have disabled ads so far, just using it in the same manner as Twitterfeed would be, but I think it looks promising.

The best thing is definitely that it integrates the tracking module from the URL-shortner so you see how many actually clicks in a dashboard. Love it!

Do you guys have any expeirience using any of these tools?


3 thoughts on “Twitterfeed alternatives – I went for Proxifeed for now

  1. Stephan says:

    Great, glad you like the tool. It is starting to lag behind a bit, as it does not integrate with Facebook or Friendfeed.

    • Well, Proxifeed serves my purpose; getting my feed to show up in Twitter.

      I use the Facebook Twitter app to update what I tweet to my FB profile and it works OK for me.

      Friendfeed I see no need to use yet. Convince me 🙂

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